Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Awesome holiday

Having a good time.

Over a hill on the race track.

Looking at the sky line.

see people having fun.

Driving on the luge.

At the gondolas was awesome.c

Yakking with my cousins.

Seeing other people on the track.

Camping at the farmhouses

Horse riding is the most funst thing to do.
Orange carrot is what I feed to my horse milked.
Learning how to jump is the most fun thing to do.
Inside the saddles is the take room where I keep my Saddle and my take. 
Danny the wild horses cames to me to feed him. 
And jumping the most funst thing is to jump high . 
You have to say good by luolo Said to me by and I was crying
Stay here flicka


Sea world holiday acrostic by Riley

Having fun at sea world in San Diego America. 

Only kid in my group for the trainers. 

Learning different commands for the dolphins. 

I in the cold salt water with 3 dolphins. 

Dehydrated in the hot sun in a long sleeve wet suit. 

All I want to do is go into the deep water. 

Yay I get to ride on the dolphin beaker's back. 

Sadly I have to say good bye to cometa and her baby and beaker and leave 

I had a wonderful time at sea world!!!!

Breakers vs Leapords Acrostic poem.

Having a awesome night at the Skycity arena.

On and on the game goes as I sit cheering on for the Breakers.

Leopards not giving up while the Breakers are in the lead!

Im having an awesome night seeing the breakers for the first time.

Donté green a scoring machine!

A lot of people screaming hoping for the breakers to win the game.

Yes the breakers win!



In Queenstown

Having Kens fried chicken  
On the Mountain
Leaning side to side zooming down the mountain
I wast my sister in a race
Driving up the mountain
Asain invasion
Yahoo I say when I smoke my sister
South Island 

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Had  an awesome holiday playing basket-ball.

One to nine teams in our grade.

Last game we played counties manakau and we lost.

was very happy that we came first.

Dunedin was really  cool playing basket-ball down there.

All so we came 4th in the tournament.

Yes  we are going to prize giving.

So we went  to a restaurant nearly the whole basket ball teams were 


Had an awesome time at rock climbing

Only got to go on at certain times

Last time I was at rock climbing I didn't make it to the top of anything

It was the first time I made it to the top in my life except for the ladder

Day 2 of the holidays was amazing

At rock climbing I made it to the top of 3 walls

Yippie that was the best day so far

So after rock climbing we went to the Park